Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's been awhile since I have posted anything here, though it has not been a while since I have created any Voodoo dolls. Recently I have been inspired by my friend Gretchen Little who has been on a quest to create 1001 hearts, one heart per day at a time. She was inspired by other artists who have taken the one a day concept and created paintings and what not. I recently found a guy who was creating a skull a day. I wish I could remember his name. In any event, it's not like I need anything more to do; rather, this is probably just sympomatic of my ADD and Aquarian nature. But, Gretchen just created a doodle lens at Squidoo and right before I checked it out I had been doodling a couple of Voodoo dolls with Paint Shop Pro. It hit me that I should do something with all of this Voodoo dolling that I do and what better way to channel it than through a Voodoo doll a day? So, I bought the domain name and here is my first Voodoo doodle doll.